Wednesday, August 29, 2012


 let me sum up the last two weeks...

it all started with a beautiful wedding in manti
followed by a beautiful reception that same night in salt lake and a wedding the next night.
 then going to the western idaho fair instead of packing...
 and spending way too much money trying to win a goldfish.
 flying into portland the next morning and fulfilling doughnut dreams
hitting wedding #3, and #6 for the summer
aka watching my beautiful best friend be sealed for time and all eternity to her new bff
 seeing my little sister start her freshman year of college
 starting my last semester of college
 and living in a house that looks like dorothy stopped by and a tornado whisked us away then set us back down with everything out of order. (not that it was ordered to begin with). let's just saying that having a chair to sit on or a table to eat at will be great. 

 that is what happens when you move into an unfurnished apartment the day before school starts from colorado/boise/washington and you have 19.0 credits. it's not easy.

thankfully we have a bed, a coffee table, and internet.
more to come, hope it's a great first week of school for all the rest of you starting the process yet again!

1 comment:

  1. no kidding you were busy. you are so amazing that you made it to all of the different weddings in oh so many places. i do not know if your mom mentioned, but we have a couch, loveseat, chair that has hardly been used. it has large matching pillows that you are more than welcome to borrow. i know i said i would send a photo but all the photos were on the computer that crashed. i will take photos of the pillows so you can get an idea. you are also welcome to come see it any time. love you. love your blog. i am a faithful follower
